Tlazat recorded his opposition and doubts into the Chronicon, which was eventually discovered by the rest of the Loyalists. He spoke out against the edict to transform the entirety of The Leviathan into a pleasure palace and regarded the recruitment of Shadows from the Clipse, Sindû, and Arkborn as Calus recruiting tools for his own personal aims and not in the service of a greater cosmic need as he claimed. Tlazat became increasingly opposed to Calus's new direction, although he soon became the lone voice of dissent against the Emperor. Speaking with Zhozon once more, Tlazat learned more about the visions Calus supposedly had and recorded his fellow scribe's recounting of the Emperor's words within the Chronicon.

Concerned by Calus's erratic behavior and suspecting he was suffering from hallucinations, Tlazat learned from one of the royal mechanics that there was a malfunction in the pressure suit Calus had been wearing, although it was also unlikely that Calus could have survived in the conditions outside the ship for so long. Tlazat and his fellow councilors encouraged the Emperor to rest after his ordeal in the hopes he would come back to his senses. Their only pursuit from then on would be joy, freedom, and pursuing pleasure for its own sake before the end came. Twelve hours after Calus departed The Leviathan, the exiled emperor returned and declared that he had been seen the end of everything and been made the herald of death. He feared that Ghaul had not in fact sent them to exile but instead to die at the edge of space where the citizens of the Cabal Empire could not see and was sure that Calus had already perished outside The Leviathan. Tlazat was affected as well, becoming unable to write physically any longer and using his mind to do so instead. Tlazat sought out Zhozon, the Emperor's closest confidant, and learned from his fellow Psion that he was feeling a mounting pressure in his brain, a ailment which had caused twelve others to begin bleeding from their ears. Continuing to record in the Chronicon, Tlazat began writing about the events in real time and stopped utilizing the typical exaggerations he and the other scribes used to write the text. After Calus did so, the ship began being lashed by violent tremors by an unknown force which rendered many of the other crewmembers unconscious over the next two hours. However, Calus wished only to don a spacesuit and venture out of the ship alone to see their place of banishment. Tlazat and the rest of the crew were left in darkness as the engineers and pilots worked to repair the vessel, eventually gathering around Calus to seek his guidance. In the five-hundred and seventy-fifth entry, Tlazat recorded a violent malfunction in The Leviathan's engines that resulted in the massive vessel being flung to an unknown point in space and severely damaged its systems.

Tlazat wrote the first entry of the Chronicon, which depicted a speech given by Calus upon his exile, in which the Emperor supposedly declared a new age in history was beginning that would be defined by his golden knowledge which he would share with only the worthy. This tome, known as the Chronicon, was to be a "beacon of truth" to combat the lies of Dominus Ghaul and his fellow conspirators. At some point in this voyage Tlazat was appointed by Calus to work with Scribe Shagac as royal historians and record a "true" history of the Cabal from the perspective of Calus. Following the Midnight Coup, Tlazat and many other Loyalists of Emperor Calus were forced to join him in exile aboard The Leviathan and were sentenced to be taken to the edge of the galaxy.